Now, just because I say it comes from china doesn't mean its chinas fault. Now we are getting viruses in our hard drives. We have either lead or hazardous chemicals in the toys our kids play with. anyways my whole point to begin with was that we (the US) keep getting JUNK from china. Posted on Nov 12th 2007, 23:45 Reply #14 newconroer Please be more diplomatic & refrain from belittling/insulting others in your comments in the near future. I am not deaf, I am not blind, I have limbs & fingers to type out a response If you have difficulty understanding what I am saying. So sorry if i sound 'assholish' but please make sure you FULLY understand my point before insulting me & also my intelligence. Bring everything back where its under one roof & not outsourced. THAT is my point either then taking advantage of the 'CHEAP LABOR' thats available. Yeah, I did do better, I bought a hard drive without a virus on it.Correct, you COULD build a hard drive factory but have you taken into consideration the cost of the building, rent, electric bills, telephone bills, workers salary & also tech research not to mention all of the other bills you have to pay - If you can come up with an 'all American' hard drive & sell it for less or the same price the chinese do & still make a profit afterwards. So your guitar was made in china? But it has an American name. We just send it overseas and pay people half, if now a tenth as much to make it for us, kinda assholish if you ask me. We couldn't possibly build a hard-drive factory if we wanted to.
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